Adults only league. Need to be 18 yrs old to register.
You will be assigned to a team and will have a team match once weekly beginning June 3 running through mid Aug. You will play a set of 11 games total of singles then pair up with an assigned doubles partner for 11 games of doubles. This will be the format for EVERY team match. Your game scores count as team “points” and the team with the most points wins. If you cannot make the scheduled match you will be responsible for finding a CTA registered player to sub for you.
Teams with the best records advance to the playoff week and the season ends with a championship match and social event for all players.
If you do not want to commit to a team, you can also sign up as a substitute.
No USTA membership required to play.
Players of all skill levels are welcome. Basic tennis rules and etiquette are expected.
Coeur d'alene Tennis
The CTA Adult league is a great way to meet new tennis players of all levels!